Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blue Summer

Hi everyone!!! after a very long time being absent due to work and other stuff, finally I went to a new spot to try and catch some fish and get the lost feeling of having a descent fish at the other end of the rod.
Saturday morning was week and as you can guess no fish were caught.
In the afternoon I get a call from my buddy Pavel and says let's go fishing, the blue fish are seem to be hunting at evening lately. I didn't think to much and said ok pick me up when you are ready.

We arrived to the new spot and started walking towards the reefs and today I wanted to use the old new lure I had but didn't know really how to make it work right -
Duel aile magnet sb 105f also called "mag popper" it sort of combines to actions, of a poper and a dog and it really attracts the blue fish in the area.

I started casting the lure and man this was quick, three casts and "booom" a see this blue fish explodes on the "mag poper" and starts to pull line out of my reel... and I haven't felt this for a quite long time... the blue fish starts it's acrobatic show and after a 2 minute fight I land the fish and cast again for three more times and again "boooom" on the "mag popper" and this time it felt heavier and the feeling was greater than ever!!! four minute fight and this buddy was landed to.

Two cool nice size blue fish and I was very happy to officially open the blue fish season with them.

That's it for now, sorry that I didn't get pictures from the sea with the fish, it's because we didn't bring the cameras with us... So good bye and hope to write soon.

Alex Levitsky.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Full Moon

Hi all,
Didn't have much time latley - work, studies, moving to a new apartment and some personal issues...

But finally got the time to go out  to my home beach :) and the results are not bad for two go outs.

First I want to mention that the sea level was about 50cm and the tide was lower with each day and especially today - I could have seen many rocks that weren't visible on a regular day...

So... let's start the review: wake up as usual at 4:20 am, coffee, cigarette, 5 minute drive and I'm at the beach... great sense of the sea and sort of relaxing from all trouble I'm experiencing lately... as usual at this season I use Bassday Sugapen 95f my Daiwa Powermesh 7-28gr rod
and a Shimano Seido 2500f  reel with Power Pro Braid 15lb line.

Trying at my usual spots and the first go out got a very sensible size Seabass as you can see

The second go out was today on a Full Moon day and had a real good fight with this Spotted Seabass.

Enjoy the pictures and I hope to get more time and go out and bring you some interesting reviews, so if I won't be writing soon it's because I'm having now my final semester exams and there won't be much time to go out and fish.

Alex Levitsky.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another year passed

As we, the Israelis, are celebrating our 64th Indepandence day I've found some time to go fishing and try to get a SeaBass as I first did a year ago exactly at this same day.

 caught it with Bassday Sugapen F

nice first SeaBass!!! :)

So I woke up 4:30 am, got my tackle and went to the shore. The sea was almost the same as it was that very day, a year ago, and I sort of had the feeling that today my be the day I get the sea bass.
At first I used the sugapen but no reaction  from the fish and as time got passing by my morale was going down but I don't know how you sort of have this days when you think that nothing good will come out but you still have this little feeling at your stomach that tells you - don't worry, every thing will be just fine...

I changed to a small popper i don't even know what firm and started working with him.. at the 5th cast I do twich, twich, twich, stop..... twich, twi...Booommmm!!!! the seabass exploded on the lure and started to run with it, gave me a great fight one of my best... and he was out...


you can see here the popper I used.

And so I was happy that I did it on the very special day it is - 64th Independence day of Israel.

Got home took another pic before I clean the fish and to the fridge for a a special occasion.

That's it for this time, hope to write as soon as possible.
Alex Levitsky.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blue Fish

Finally!... caught my first Blue Fish!

After some missed fishing days I finally got the time and went to one of my spots, the waves were about 50cm - good conditions for bait fishing... as it turned out to be null reaction from the fish, I thought to myself lets move to an other spot and so I did, changed places 2 times and said to myself: "nothing here today, as usual".

Home or try to use kastmaster, took me a second to decide, we are going to cast spinners....

I've arrived to this place and see some anglers throwing kastmasters and one got a Blue Fish as I arrived.
I was thrilled... started to cast for about 15 minutes and there you have it... the STRIKE from the Blue Fish and we had a little exciting fight and strait to the bag:)

I casted a little more and had to go home.
so here are some pics and hope tomorrow to get some more:)

Alex Levitsky.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Well nothig special exept the beautiful sunsets and the feeling of a the Spring on the porch... great season, love it.
The fishing is a little bit low, may be due to the season and climate changes... but some bream and striped sea bream hooked on worms... and I'll get them in the frige for now untill I'll have more and then fry them and have a fish and beer ;)

That's it for now, this season I'll try to get BlueFish... hope to do get a fish for the Passover holiday meal.

Alex Levitsky.
bye bye,

Saturday, March 17, 2012

New start

First time doing this, soon I'll have more time to post and work on my blog.
I'll talk about my self and fishing.

So for now I'm going back to study for a final exam in Electronics.

That's it for now.
Alex Levitsky.