Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another year passed

As we, the Israelis, are celebrating our 64th Indepandence day I've found some time to go fishing and try to get a SeaBass as I first did a year ago exactly at this same day.

 caught it with Bassday Sugapen F

nice first SeaBass!!! :)

So I woke up 4:30 am, got my tackle and went to the shore. The sea was almost the same as it was that very day, a year ago, and I sort of had the feeling that today my be the day I get the sea bass.
At first I used the sugapen but no reaction  from the fish and as time got passing by my morale was going down but I don't know how you sort of have this days when you think that nothing good will come out but you still have this little feeling at your stomach that tells you - don't worry, every thing will be just fine...

I changed to a small popper i don't even know what firm and started working with him.. at the 5th cast I do twich, twich, twich, stop..... twich, twi...Booommmm!!!! the seabass exploded on the lure and started to run with it, gave me a great fight one of my best... and he was out...


you can see here the popper I used.

And so I was happy that I did it on the very special day it is - 64th Independence day of Israel.

Got home took another pic before I clean the fish and to the fridge for a a special occasion.

That's it for this time, hope to write as soon as possible.
Alex Levitsky.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blue Fish

Finally!... caught my first Blue Fish!

After some missed fishing days I finally got the time and went to one of my spots, the waves were about 50cm - good conditions for bait fishing... as it turned out to be null reaction from the fish, I thought to myself lets move to an other spot and so I did, changed places 2 times and said to myself: "nothing here today, as usual".

Home or try to use kastmaster, took me a second to decide, we are going to cast spinners....

I've arrived to this place and see some anglers throwing kastmasters and one got a Blue Fish as I arrived.
I was thrilled... started to cast for about 15 minutes and there you have it... the STRIKE from the Blue Fish and we had a little exciting fight and strait to the bag:)

I casted a little more and had to go home.
so here are some pics and hope tomorrow to get some more:)

Alex Levitsky.